Baoh Raihousha
Chapter 1: Baoh Raihousha Vol.1 Chapter 1: The Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 2: Baoh Raihousha Vol.1 Chapter 2: The Extermination Order
Chapter 3: Baoh Raihousha Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Invincible Body
Chapter 4: Baoh Raihousha Vol.1 Chapter 4: The Treacherous Refuge
Chapter 5: Baoh Raihousha Vol.1 Chapter 5: The Fighting Flesh
Chapter 6: Baoh Raihousha Vol.2 Chapter 6: The Darkening of the Senses
Chapter 7: Baoh Raihousha Vol.2 Chapter 7: Advent
Chapter 8: Baoh Raihousha Vol.2 Chapter 8: The Pulse of Dark Thunder
Chapter 9: Baoh Raihousha Vol.2 Chapter 9: The Sleeping Giant
Chapter 10: Baoh Raihousha Vol.2 Chapter 10: Epilogue
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Baoh Raihousha Vol.2 Chapter 8: The Pulse of Dark Thunder
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