Bokura wa Mahou Shounen
Chapter 1: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.1 Chapter 2: It Isn\'t Warped!! I\'m Not Lying!!
Chapter 3: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.1 Chapter 3: I Don\'t Need You to be My Friend!!!!
Chapter 4: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.1 Chapter 4: It\'s Finally Time For Us to be Full-fledged Magical Boys!!!
Chapter 5: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.1 Chapter 5: Damn It!!! Why is Someone Like Him...!!!
Chapter 6: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.1 Chapter 6: No Matter What Anyone Else Says, I\'m Cute!!!!
Chapter 7: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Chapter 7: Is That How They\'re Gonna Find Out!?
Chapter 8: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.2 Chapter 8: I Feel Like I\'ll Never Be Able to Look Him in the Eye Again!!!
Chapter 9: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.2 Chapter 9: What Am I Lacking?
Chapter 10: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.2 Chapter 10: But Well, I\'m Just Reluctantly Going Along With It!!!
Chapter 11: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Chapter 11: I\'m Sure You\'ll Come By Tomorrow, Too
Chapter 12: Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.2 Chapter 12: It\'s an Invitation to a Party from the Land of Magic!
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Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.1 Chapter 5: Damn It!!! Why is Someone Like Him...!!!
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