The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade
Chapter 1: The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Chapter 1: The Other Side of the Rain
Chapter 2: The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Chapter 2: The Other Side of the Door
Chapter 3: The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Chapter 3: Two Drops of Tears
Chapter 4: The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Chapter 4: The Birdcage and the Garden
Chapter 5: The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Vol.1 Chapter 5: A Visit
Chapter 6: The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Chapter 6: Whereabouts of the Necklace
Chapter 7: The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Vol.2 Chapter 7: Thoughts by the Window
Chapter 8: The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Vol.2 Chapter 8: The Substitute Maiden
Chapter 9: The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Vol.2 Chapter 9: That Day Out in the Open
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The Rain of Teardrops and Serenade Vol.2 Chapter 7: Thoughts by the Window
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